Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Who is Gonzalo?

Gonzalo is a lord to King Alonson of Naples. Gonzalo was once  very prestigous in Naples.  However due to Gonzalo taking pitty on Prospero and Miranda and helped them out by providing them with provisions Gonzalos status dropped. This demonstrates the characters kindness and compassion but also offers a reasion as to why Gonzalo drinks so much. Despite Gonzalo having somewhat of an unclear mind his objective for two thirds of the play is to protect the king from fellow lords Antonio and Sebastian, showing what a loyal character he is. Through the play Gonzalo offers a positive and honest perspective. It could even be argued that he is somewhat of a wise fool. 

Initial response to character?

I’m not sure of my character. As Im playing an old man, I’m finding it really hard to understand my character and begin to think like him. Im really apprehensive of any decisions I may make as I don’t want to play a pantomime character. Despite this Im excited to work on something completely different to anything I have done before. I really like Gonzalo. I think he’s an honest noble man, I just hope I can find that in my movement and voice. 

What is my characters Journey? Before, during and after the Tempest....

This brainstorm helped me find reasons for my character to be as he is. It brings all Gonzalo’s peccadilloes together and gives explanations for them.

What discoveries have I made for my character?

I have had to build my character from scratch. Ive had to make decisions and look for inspiration in many different places. Ive listened to peoples voices on the train and watched old men shuffle around Sainsbury’s.


In regard to Gonzalo’s voice I have  played around with loads of different ways of deepening my voice. I’m working from my diaphragm and back to root my voice and use as much base as possible. This has really helped me with breath control and my voice is actually being strengthened by this. The given circumstances (Being washed up in west africa, the weather is boiling, we are walking through a desolate dry environment.) will effect Gonzalo’s voice as the vocal chords become less and less hydrated and begin the strain. 

For me, I find it really easy to listen to a voice and develop it with the character. I decided to look for a voice I could use.  

Prince Phillips voice seemed perfect to me as he is well spoken (Gonzalo is a Kingsmen after all) However for Gonzalo I have created a more husky tone as the play develops showing the exhaustion that would occur in the situation. 


Near Drowning: 

This website helped me understand the physical process of near drowning. As the storm caused the ship to crash I feel my character would have come close to drowning. This is going to be a big factor of the way Gonzalo would moves to start. This is because the core of the body contracts to prevent water from entering the body therefore this will effect Gonzalo’s posture. 

A real life version of my Character:

I chose Lionel Logue, king George’s famous speech therapist. This may seem like a strange choice. However Logue was respected highly by the king due to his great work helping the King with his stutter. However Logue was often shunted by the kings companions as he was a commoner and trained as an actor and had no ‘real’ qualifications. This relates to Gonzalo as Gozalo did great things and is respected by the kind due to his long lasting sense of duty to him and great respect. However due to Gonzalo’s actions when Prospero was banished the kings court has a lack of respect for the character. Furthermore Logue was a great character but always adressed King George with great respect calling him ‘you highness’ .

Below is a video I watched which explores King George and Logues realtion ship. This helped me develop my thoughts on Alonson and also guided me to create a kind, scatty but slightly eccentric man. 

In Improvisation we were shown many ways to create a character. This has helped me enourmously because it breaks down what makes charcters realistic, watchable and DIFFERENT from one another.